Aboriginal people are employed across NSW Health in a range of occupations including as doctors, nurses, policy and project officers, allied health workers and mental health clinicians.
Aboriginal people can apply for any position in NSW Health where the role requirements are met. In addition, there are positions that are specifically developed for Aboriginal people.
Aboriginal identified positions
Aboriginal identified positions are developed where Aboriginal identity, cultural knowledge or connections are a genuine aspect of the role. Positions are specifically noted under the provisions of the NSW Anti-discrimination Act (1977) for Aboriginal people who meet the following criteria:
- is of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander descent, and
- identifies as an Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander person, and
- is accepted as a such by the Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander community.
Identified positions require specific reference to Aboriginality and relevant experience. This needs to be outlined in the role requirements, advertising and recruitment materials for the position.
Aboriginal targeted positions
Aboriginal targeted positions usually, but not exclusively, relate to a need for the advertised role to:
- work closely with and have knowledge of a particular local Aboriginal community,
- align with national and/or state policy to address the social and cultural determinants of health or
- align with a broader policy plan to prioritise Aboriginal employment across a district or network area.
As priority is given to a suitable candidate who is Aboriginal, applicants will need to provide information to corroborate their Aboriginality.

- Encourage Aboriginal people to apply for jobs by clearly stating in the position advertisement and supporting information whether a job is Aboriginal identified or targeted.
- Aboriginal people who are not working in Aboriginal identified or targeted positions do not need to declare or make known any aspect of Aboriginality although they may choose to provide the information confidentially through EEO reports.
Reclassifying a role
There are clear legal and policy requirements regarding the use of terms such as Aboriginal identified available through the Anti-Discrimination Board of NSW.
Most positions change in response to changes in the organisation's legislation, policy, priorities, operating environment or technology. It's important that for Aboriginal identified or Aboriginal targeted positions when an opportunity to reclassify a role arises that a review of the job's purpose, functions and any related funding is undertaken. This is to ensure that the job will meet the organisation's identified predictions of need and the future job holder will be able to fulfill the role requirements. Consult with Aboriginal Employment Coordinators, human resources representatives, Managers of Aboriginal Workforce Development or similarly responsible position holders to determine whether positions are suitable to be Aboriginal identified or targeted.
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