1. NSW Health Jobs: NSW Governments online recruitment system

    All positions advertised across the NSW Local Health Districts and other NSW Health organisations are placed on the electronic recruitment system,  NSW Health Jobs.

  2. NSW Health recruitment campaigns and initiatives page

    Jobs and training opportunities may be advertised on NSW Health's recruitment campaigns and initiatives page.
  3. Print media

    Relevant print media, for Aboriginal targeted, or identified positions this may include the Koori Mail.
  4. Word of mouth, social media and specialist networks

    Word of mouth or through Aboriginal health contacts, social media, specialist networks local forums and professional groups. Some organisations within NSW Health may also have a Facebook page used to promote vacant positions. 
  5. Private providers

    Support is also available from Workforce Australia.

  • Look outside of your local area for employment.
  • Listen to the Aboriginal / Koori Grapevine for job opportunities in health.
  • If you hear about a job that is available have a check on the website for the direct link to get all the details and apply.