There are several pathways for employment into NSW Health including:
- Through applications to NSW Health
- School to work programs
- On the job training including traineeships and apprenticeships
Recruitment agencies
Putting your name down at a recruitment agency is also an option. A recruitment agency can assist you with your job search by sourcing jobs for you that match your skills and experience.
Sometimes Local Health Districts use recruitment agencies to fill a vacancy where they have not been able to find a suitable applicant through advertising.

Important - only apply once
- If you register with more than one recruitment agency, be careful that you know what jobs the agency is putting you forward for as you do not want your resume being submitted for the same job by several agencies at a time
- If an employment services provider helps you with your application and updating your resume, make sure it is accurate and contains language that you can easily relate to.
- Many employment services providers have access to training support funding or employment supplementary funding.
Employment Service Providers
Employment services providers are agencies that provide support for people looking for work. There are many providers across Australia delivering different kinds of assistance and services.
For example, Job Services Australia (JSA) is managed by the Department of Employment. JSA provides job seekers with access to people who can assist them back into work, help connect job seekers to providers of training, address non-vocational barriers and equip job seekers with the required skills and tools to undertake an independent job search.
There are many employment services providers that specialise in assisting Aboriginal job-seekers to find employment opportunities. It is your choice whether to use such services including from Workforce Australia.
Some important things to consider in this decision are:
- What are the benefits?
- Does the provider specialise in assisting with recruitment into NSW Health?
- Are they up to date with NSW Health's recruitment process?
- What support does the provider offer throughout the recruitment process?
- Do they understand the type of role I am after?
- Do I have to pay to sign up?