A selection panel is formed as part of the usual selection process for NSW Health recruitment. The panel looks after the recruitment process and is responsible for deciding on the most suitable applicant for the job based on information collected from applications, supporting documentation, and the results of any assessments and referee checks.
Aboriginal representation
The size and membership of the panel varies depending on the scope and nature of the position to be filled. This means that for recruitment to Aboriginal identified and Aboriginal targeted positions the panel will include an Aboriginal person.
Other general requirements for the panel are:
As a minimum the panel must have at least two members. One is the designated convenor and there is usually at least one male and female and one member must be independent
The independent on the panel has no direct interest in the role and it is their responsibility to ensure the recruitment process is fair
The independent is considered to be someone with a separate reporting line to the Delegated Authorising Officer of the role (the person who authorises the appointment of the recommended candidate)

Important changes
- Panels have changed over the past few years and the independent no longer needs to be a community representative or an Aboriginal community member as sometimes happened in past recruitment
Conflicts of interest
All members of the panel are responsible for declaring any real or potential conflict of interest they may have with an applicant as soon as they become aware of it, such as a close personal relationship or previous workplace conflict.
Just knowing someone on the panel or their family is not automatically a conflict of interest, however, you should advise the panel convenor straight away if you think there is history, family business, or other issues that are relevant to disclose.
A conflict of interest is where a staff member has, or is perceived to have, a potential incentive to receive a personal or professional benefit due to money, family ties, or other reasons to act in another way. See NSW Health Policy Directive Conflicts of Interest and Gifts and Benefits PD2015_045 for more information.
It is acceptable for a panel member to act as a referee for an applicant, particularly if they are the applicant's current supervisor but it's the responsibility of the panel member to declare this situation as soon as they become aware of it. The applicant may need to provide an additional referee in this case.
An identified conflict of interest can be managed and documented appropriately, and does not automatically mean the indicated person will be taken off the panel.

- You must tell the panel convenor immediately if you feel there is a conflict of interest with a panel member, don't wait until after the interview.