Aboriginal Medical Service
This is an Aboriginal community controlled health service delivering health services to Aboriginal communities.
Accessment centre process
This approach may be used for recruitment to positions into the Ministry of Health. It incorporates a range of assessments in which candidates' performance is observed and rated by a team of qualified assessors. Assessments may include participating in a role play, where candidates are allocated a scenario that closely mirrors a situation that could occur in the role they have applied for.
Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Service
Aboriginal Health Worker
Aboriginal Medical Service
Apprenticeships and traineeships are ways to become trained and qualified in a trade or particular type of job while you are earning and learning on the job. There are traineeship programs available with NSW Health in areas including Environmental and Public Health. More information on apprenticeships.
A cadetship is a way for you to earn money while you learn. You get paid for the work you do while you develop new skills and learn about the work of NSW Health. Cadetships are on offer in NSW Health across a range of areas including allied health and nursing. More information on cadetships.
Skills, knowledge, and abilities
Capability based assessments
These are a key feature of the Ministry of Health recruitment process and provide an opportunity to assess an applicant's capabilities as they relate to a role. Examples of capability based assessments include structured behavioural interviews, role play exercises & presentations.
Health Education and Training Institute
Key Performance Indicator
Local Health District
Non-Government Organisation
Public Service Commission
Specialty Health Network
Workforce Planning & Development (within the Ministry of Health)