You can apply for any position in NSW Health that is relevant to your experience, skills and qualifications, not simply Aboriginal identified or targeted roles.
Aboriginal identified and targeted positions have specific requirements as set out below:
Aboriginal identified positions
Positions are specifically noted under the provisions of the NSW Anti-Discrimination Act (1977) for Aboriginal people who meet the following criteria:
- is of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander descent, and
- identifies as an Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander person, and
- is accepted as a such by the Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander community.
Aboriginal identified positions require specific reference to Aboriginality and relevant experience. The requirement for Aboriginality will be outlined in the position advertisement and be a role requirement for the job.
Aboriginal targeted positions
Aboriginal targeted positions usually, but not exclusively, relate to a need for the advertised role to:
- work closely with and have knowledge of a particular local Aboriginal community,
- align with national and/or state policy to address the social and cultural determinants of health or
- align with a broader policy plan to prioritise Aboriginal employment across a district or network area.

- Carefully check job advertisements for Aboriginal identified positions as these often include information about workplace conditions and other relevant factors such as any travel requirements for the role.
- Speak with the contact listed on the job advertisement if you have any questions about the job or the requirements of the role.