Learning and development opportunities

NSW Health realises that staff are the most valuable part of delivering care to people who are unwell. The investment in staff is reflected in a range of ongoing professional development opportunities.

Health Education and Training Institute (HETI) & MyHealthLearning

These opportunities are made available through the Health Education and Training Institute (HETI). MyHealthLearning is a state-wide Learning Management System. It is open to all NSW Health staff and offers access to all training programs on offer across NSW Health. This includes a range of mandatory training requirements for both clinical and non-clinical staff, including training units on fire safety and child protection. There are also other units specific to particular occupational groups.

Learning and Development Calendar

The Ministry of Health's Learning and Development Calendar includes a timetable of courses that NSW Health staff can access.

There are many staff training programs to support and strengthen your health career path including:

 There are also training programs that can move you towards a professional career pathway including:


Although there is no formal mechanism in place for mentoring in NSW Health, the workplace is supportive of the beneficial impact that a productive mentoring relationship can provide for both you and your mentor.

If having a mentor is something you would like to give consideration to, you might like to think about who would be an effective mentor for you. Typically it should be someone who has the following characteristics:

  • Willingness to share skills, knowledge, and expertise
  • Demonstrates a positive attitude and acts as a positive role model
  • Exhibits enthusiasm in the field
  • Values ongoing learning and growth in the field
  • Provides guidance and constructive feedback
  • Respected by colleagues and employees in all levels of the organisation

Cultural mentoring can also be provided by Aboriginal staff who have a range of skills and experience in various roles and community contexts.