Finalising employment with NSW Health
Following the completion of the assessment process, the panel analyses all the information they've collected and identify the preferred applicant for the position. Any outstanding verification activities, including relevant employment screening checks will then be completed.
All jobs require preferred applicants to be checked against the NSW Health Service Check Register.
In addition, depending on the specific requirements of the job, some of the checks you may be subject to include:
A NSW Working with Children Check
A National Police Check
An Academic qualification check
A Professional membership or affiliation confirmation
A check on current registration and any conditions on this.
National Police Check
All applicants to NSW Health are required to undergo a National Police Check (NPC) for the safety, welfare and wellbeing of NSW Health clients and patients. The NPC is only undertaken once an applicant has been identified as a preferred applicant, which is usually after and separate to any interview process. You will then be asked to complete NSW Health Employment Related Checks.
What happens if you have criminal history?
Criminal history is not necessarily a barrier to working in NSW Health
You are not required to disclose criminal history at interview
Any criminal history information is managed confidentially and only by NSW Health delegated risk assessors who have experience in this area
The risk assessor identifies if the criminal history information is relevant to the position for which you have applied
If it is not relevant, the appointment will proceed
If it is relevant, a risk assessment will be undertaken and you will be contacted and may be asked to provide additional information to support your application
If you have criminal history, you are encouraged to have a look at NSW Health's Policy Directive, Working with Children Checks and Other Police Checks which provides detailed information on how NSW Health deals with criminal history information and the type of information that you may be asked to provide.

- If you have any questions about how your criminal history may affect your job application, you can contact NSW Health's Employment Screening and Review Unit on (02) 8848 5175 for a confidential discussion.
Working With Children Check
In addition to the NPC, people seeking to be employed or engaged in NSW Health in child related work are required to have a Working with Children Check (WWCC) clearance number from the Office of the Children's Guardian.
Individuals are responsible for obtaining and paying for their WWCC clearance number (currently $80) which is valid for five years and can be used for any child related work. If the position you are applying for is child-related you will be advised about how to obtain a WWCC.
When applying for the WWCC, you are encouraged to tick the box giving consent to the Children's Guardian to let NSW Health know if you have no criminal history. More information is available on the NSW Health Employment Related Checks website.
NSW Health Service Check Register
All preferred applicants to NSW Health are checked against NSW Health's internal Service Check Register (SCR) to determine any recent disciplinary history or workplace restrictions within NSW Health.
Individuals are required to be told if they are being placed on the SCR.
If you have a SCR record, you may be asked to provide additional documentation to support your job application. This will only occur if you are a preferred applicant for the position.
For more information, refer to the NSW Health Service Check Register Policy Directive.