Where an interview process is being undertaken, you need to be aware that many applicants may be used to a more traditional interview panel with formal questions and rigid processes. It's important that the panel convenor explains how the interview will work and that the panel provides opportunities for applicants to tell their story, expand on examples and demonstrate their expertise through appropriate questions and follow-ups.

Timing is important
- Applicants must be given at least 3 days' notice of the chosen method of assessment/s, the names and titles of those on the selection panel and provided with advice on any documentation they need to bring with them on the day.
- Remember that some online assessments may require specific program access or computer proficiency which may not be available in some areas.
- If there is a time constraint or concern that referee checks are not able to be conducted within a reasonable time frame, this needs to be discussed this with the applicant and the Manager of Aboriginal Workfroce Development to find a solution.
Ministry of Health
For assessment requirements, see the Public Service Commission (PSC) Employment Portal