Follow these steps
  • Find a job
    Find a job you are interested in that suits your skills and experience.
    Find out more
  • Apply for a job
    What to include in a cover letter, resume and other documents.
    Find out more
  • Learn about Aboriginal identified positions
    Aboriginal identified and Aboriginal targeted positions have been specifically developed where Aboriginal identity, cultural knowledge or connections are a genuine aspect of the role.
    Find out more
  • Getting other documents together
    You might also need other documents, for example confirmation of Aboriginality.
    Find out more
  • Interview
    What to expect. This might include capability-based assessments.
    Find out more
  • Screening and checks
    Talking to your referee/s and screening checks are standard in NSW Health to confirm that you meet the employment requirements.
    Find out more
  • Getting the job
    When successful, your offer will be confirmed in writing. If you are unsuccessful you can request feedback.
    Find out more

Career pathways at NSW Health
There are many ways to become a health professional or support worker such as a dentist, doctor, nurse, allied health worker, administration assistant, manager or technician.

Talk to someone in your local area
Hospitals and community health centres in NSW are grouped together by area into Local Health Districts, and by service type into Specialty Health Networks. NSW Health also has agencies specialising in projects, quality, data, IT and other aspects of supporting health services to care for people on their health journey. Aboriginal people looking for career and employment opportunities can speak to an Aboriginal workforce representative. Support is also available from a Job Active Network.